Bon to Shōgatsu ga Issho ni Kita-yō (盆と正月が一緒に来たよう - Very Busy)

Mar 25, 2019 16:48
Bon to Shōgatsu ga Issho ni Kita-yō

I am very busy now because of retirement, entering a new job, and moving.

Such a busyness can be described as 'bon to shōgatsu ga issho ni kita-yō' (盆と正月が一緒に来たよう) in Japanese.

'Bon' (盆) is the Buddhist Festival of ancestral spirits, 'shōgatsu' (正月) means "New Year's holidays," 'issho' (一緒) means "together," and 'kita-yō' (来たよう) means "as if something came," so the literal meaning of this phrase is "as if both Bon and new year came together."

If there were an American version of this, it could be "as if Thanksgiving and Christmas came at the same time."



「盆」は "Buddhist Festival of ancestral spirits"、「正月」は "New Year's holidays"、「一緒に」は "together"、「来たよう」は "as if something came" を意味するので、この表現の文字どおりの意味は "as if both Bon and new year came together" となります。

No. 1 friendfromfaraway's correction
  • Bon to Shōgatsu ga Issho ni Kita-yō (盆と正月が一緒に来たよう - Very Busy)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I am very busy now because of retirement, entering a new job, and moving.
  • I am very busy now because of lreavting my foremer positiont, entering a new job, and moving.
     "retirement" (引退)usually means "when you stop working altogether"
  • Such a busyness can be described as 'bon to shōgatsu ga issho ni kita-yō' (盆と正月が一緒に来たよう) in Japanese.
  • FrantiSuch ally busy timnes like these can be described as 'bon to shōgatsu ga issho ni kita-yō' (盆と正月が一緒に来たよう) in Japanese.
     Just another way to phrase it!
  • 'Bon' (盆) is the Buddhist Festival of ancestral spirits, 'shōgatsu' (正月) means "New Year's holidays," 'issho' (一緒) means "together," and 'kita-yō' (来たよう) means "as if something came," so the literal meaning of this phrase is "as if both Bon and new year came together."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If there were an American version of this, it could be "as if Thanksgiving and Christmas came at the same time."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction! (^^)